AI assisted board meeting planning

When planning a board meeting, it’s not uncommon that you have to adress new topics and questions that may not be in your areas of expertise. It can feel overwhelming to figure out how to approach these issues and effectively facilitate a productive discussion. However, Hippoly is here to make your job easier and more efficient.

By using Hippoly’s AI-generated suggestions, you can now easily set up meeting agendas and create a space for meaningful discussion. This is a complement to our existing functionality where you can create meeting agendas and board books based on templates or previously conducted meetings, that  everyday help our users save time and energy that would have been spent on starting from scratch. Here’s how it works;

Get suggestion for a full board meeting agenda

We have added a new option to the Meetings page that allows you to Suggest an agenda using AI. By clicking on this option, a dialog will open where you can provide a brief description of the topics that you would like to cover during the meeting.

Create board meeting agenda with AI

Hippoly will use AI to help you create an efficient and productive agenda for your meeting based on the description you provide.

AI suggested board meeting agenda

The suggestion will be a full meeting agenda, which can be edited as needed. This includes the ability to remove suggested items that do not align with your preferences, add additional items, and attach relevant meeting files to each item.

AI generated board meeting agenda

Get suggestions for a specific agenda item

Sometimes, you may find yourself in need of suggestions for discussion topics for a particular item on an already existing agenda. This is of course an option that is available to you too. Simply click the wand icon at the bottom of an item.

AI suggested discussion topics

We believe these features can help you take your board meetings to the next level. You can look forward to more productive discussions, better decisions, and a more efficient use of your valuable time!

Happy planning!